Simple game, a lot of work

Once again, I published the project in the last hours (2). But I think I managed my development time alright for a 2 day jam. 

I went to sleep shortly after the theme was revealed, so I was able to brainstorm in bed. When I woke up I still didn't have anything amazing, so I decided to go with the simple endless runner with a small twist. I'll admit it, the concept of a player without control didn't come out as good as it could... And for short and simple game as this it still took me a lot of time (some time could be saved, if I understood vectors better...).

While building there were again a few problems, some were quick fixes I forgot, but something bigger happened to the camera/rendering while switching platform or upgrading project to a newer version. But I couldn't bother to look and fix it anymore, even if I had the time. 

One small victory with this project is that it's at least fully working and somewhat fun compared to previous projects.  I only wish that I stayed with the theme a little more than I did.

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